Friday 9 January 2015

terima kasih !

8/365 dan 9/365 juga.

Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana bagi aku nyawa hingga ke umur yg ke 21 ini :')
Harap dapat lagi nikmat ini untuk yg seterusnya sehingga sampai masa untuk kau tarik kembali nanti.

--- terima kasih emak kerana melahirkan
--- terima kasih ayah untuk kasih sayang
--- terima kasih adik adik kerana menjadi teman bergaduh


Terima kasih untuk doa, ucapan, kata kata, dan makanan untuk hari ini

terima kasih.

terharu, sungguh !


kalini kasi can la satu kali nak upload gambar lebih dr selalu. ihik

well, i cant screenshots all the wishes :'( 
thanks for the whole 8th january !
everyone were very sweet and im soo touched.

i do have my birthday wishlist and i got that today. Thanks sweet heart;
its not about what you gave me, but what you do for me. i feel very special on my birthday. 
Your efforts, your love and your flawless. its just too sweet and too cute to handle ahaha

Well, my birthday wishlist is to experience something that i will never think i could get it.
Something i didnt expect. ;p

---------- macam semalam ihihihihihi 

ummm okay tu je kot.
harini nak cakap pasal yg ke dopoloh satu ni. tak sangka dah forever 21 lol

goodluck final semua. masih di mood exam. hadap lah sambut birthday time exam sampai grad nanti ye apiqoh. 



- Im not getting old, im getting BETTER ! *wink*